How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters Naturally

Are you plagued by odd-shaped objects in your vision?

If you answered yes, then the odds are that you are suffering from Eye Floaters- deposits of various shapes and sizes that float within the eyes.

Former sufferer, Daniel Brown, knows just how stressful and annoying these spots can be. Desperate for a solution, he resorted to laser surgery, only to end up with an eye infection that almost caused blindness!

This was the trigger for Daniel to seek an alternative remedy, avoiding the need for costly, complex and risky surgery. Following years of trialling various treatments and research, he discovered a natural way to cure, or at the very least greatly reduce, eye floaters.

This discovery came as a result of researching medical journals, understanding the anatomy of the eye and how eye floaters develop. He has created his own step-by-step treatment system called Eye Floaters No More- now readily available for all.

As many satisfied customers testify, the system shows:

- how to get rid of eye floaters, vision blockages and flashes, safely and naturally

- eliminate eye floaters at home

- how to prevent more eye floaters forming

- whether the eye floaters signal other eye conditions

And so much more…..

With this system there are NO risks, NO high costs, NO danger to the eyes and NO harmful side-effects!

The system worked for Daniel and for thousands of others.

All this information is available and downloadable immediately and you could finally learn how to safely and naturally cure your eye floaters.

Click Here To Discover How Get Rid Of Eye Floaters Naturally

Monday, 22 April 2013

Pregnancy and Floaters

Together with many other bodily changes, pregnancy can affect the eyes and quality of vision. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are normally responsible for these changes. In most instances these changes are temporary, but occasionally they may indicate more serious conditions. Any concerns over vision problems or eye related changes during pregnancy should trigger consultations with the obstetrician and ophthalmic experts.

Due to hormonal changes pregnant women may experience anything from blurred vision and dry eyes, to irritation, especially for contact lens wearers. Diabetes sufferers may also be prone to the development or worsening of diabetic retinopathy during pregnancy.

Pregnant women complaining of seeing spots in vision should be taken very seriously, because these dark spots may be scotomata. These are stable and typically affect a larger area of the field vision, unlike floaters, which move across the field of vision and are quite normal, whether pregnant or not. Scotomata can be an indication of preeclampsia or eclampsia, which are pregnancy complications that can cause dangerously high blood pressure. Although unusual visual problems may arise, in most cases, eye damage is limited and normal vision will return on resolution of the high blood pressure.

Clearly, the best course of action is to seek professional help as soon as any eye problems become noticeable.

Click Here To Learn More About Eye Floaters

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Eye Cataracts

An eye cataract is the clouding over of the natural lens of the eye, and is the most frequent cause of sight loss in those over the age of 40 and the primary reason for blindness throughout the world.

There are different types of eye cataracts, including:

Subcapsular Cataract
This occurs at the back of the lens, with those people suffering from diabetes or those taking high steroid medication doses at higher risk.

Nuclear Cataract
This type forms at the centre, or nucleus of the lens, and is normally linked to ageing.

Cortical Cataract
Typically white, these usually start at the edge of the lens and work their way into the centre, giving a spoke-like appearance. This type usually occurs in the area of the lens that surrounds the nucleus, which is called the lens cortex.

Eye Cataract Symptoms

At first, a cataract may have very little effect on vision, but a first sign could be a blurring of vision, similar to looking through cloudy glass. Sunlight or lamplight may seem to be excessively bright, colour may be duller, and when night driving, the glare from oncoming headlights may be increased.

If eye cataracts are suspected, an eye examination should be undertaken for confirmation. Other than ageing, there are other risk factors for the development of eye cataracts including:
-Alcohol consumption
-Prolonged steroid medication use
-Family history

This list is by no means complete, but what is clear is that lifestyle changes can be of great benefit for many eye problems, ranging from eye floaters to eye cataracts.