How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters Naturally

Are you plagued by odd-shaped objects in your vision?

If you answered yes, then the odds are that you are suffering from Eye Floaters- deposits of various shapes and sizes that float within the eyes.

Former sufferer, Daniel Brown, knows just how stressful and annoying these spots can be. Desperate for a solution, he resorted to laser surgery, only to end up with an eye infection that almost caused blindness!

This was the trigger for Daniel to seek an alternative remedy, avoiding the need for costly, complex and risky surgery. Following years of trialling various treatments and research, he discovered a natural way to cure, or at the very least greatly reduce, eye floaters.

This discovery came as a result of researching medical journals, understanding the anatomy of the eye and how eye floaters develop. He has created his own step-by-step treatment system called Eye Floaters No More- now readily available for all.

As many satisfied customers testify, the system shows:

- how to get rid of eye floaters, vision blockages and flashes, safely and naturally

- eliminate eye floaters at home

- how to prevent more eye floaters forming

- whether the eye floaters signal other eye conditions

And so much more…..

With this system there are NO risks, NO high costs, NO danger to the eyes and NO harmful side-effects!

The system worked for Daniel and for thousands of others.

All this information is available and downloadable immediately and you could finally learn how to safely and naturally cure your eye floaters.

Click Here To Discover How Get Rid Of Eye Floaters Naturally

Thursday, 1 November 2012

What Are Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are tiny specks, lines or irregular shapes that some people can see floating around, particularly when in bright conditions. About half of the world’s adult population will experience eye floaters at some point in their lives, with middle aged and older adults most susceptible. This is because with time the gel in the eye cavity tends to shrink and lose its fluidity. However, they can appear at birth, especially if the birth was complicated.

Eye floaters have a tendency to be semi-transparent or white-grey in colour, and frequently seem to move when the eyes are moved. For example, when looking right, they will move to the right, before repositioning themselves centrally. They vary greatly in shape and number, and are often described as being as unique as fingerprints. Some sufferers will see a single floater, whereas others will see hundreds, so clearly, the larger the size and number of floaters, the more irritating and distracting they can be. For those people with outdoor occupations, such as drivers, eye floaters can be particularly challenging.

Eye floaters are in fact an amalgamation of proteins and in some cases, minute drops of blood. Although most are benign, they can signal the existence of a more serious underlying condition, such as a detached retina. It is therefore vital that a doctor is seen if eye floaters develop, and re-visited if they change in number or strength.

Occasionally, someone with eye floaters will also experience flashes of bright light, principally when shifting from well-lit to dark areas. The occurrence of flashes can indicate retinal tear or detachment and therefore should be treated seriously.

Currently, the only medical solution for the condition is surgery, comprising two types - laser and vitrectomy. Laser surgery breaks up the eye floaters using laser, but this is contentious because it is risky and not always effective. Vitrectomy involves the removal of the liquid in the eye, the vitreous humour, along with the debris, and replacing it with an artificial solution. This option is also not without risks and it can result in retinal detachment, cataracts or infection.

However, surgery is not the only solution, and many sufferers prefer to use the only holistic and safe system proven to be effective for eye floaters removal.

Click Here For An All Natural Eye Floaters Removal System

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