How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters Naturally

Are you plagued by odd-shaped objects in your vision?

If you answered yes, then the odds are that you are suffering from Eye Floaters- deposits of various shapes and sizes that float within the eyes.

Former sufferer, Daniel Brown, knows just how stressful and annoying these spots can be. Desperate for a solution, he resorted to laser surgery, only to end up with an eye infection that almost caused blindness!

This was the trigger for Daniel to seek an alternative remedy, avoiding the need for costly, complex and risky surgery. Following years of trialling various treatments and research, he discovered a natural way to cure, or at the very least greatly reduce, eye floaters.

This discovery came as a result of researching medical journals, understanding the anatomy of the eye and how eye floaters develop. He has created his own step-by-step treatment system called Eye Floaters No More- now readily available for all.

As many satisfied customers testify, the system shows:

- how to get rid of eye floaters, vision blockages and flashes, safely and naturally

- eliminate eye floaters at home

- how to prevent more eye floaters forming

- whether the eye floaters signal other eye conditions

And so much more…..

With this system there are NO risks, NO high costs, NO danger to the eyes and NO harmful side-effects!

The system worked for Daniel and for thousands of others.

All this information is available and downloadable immediately and you could finally learn how to safely and naturally cure your eye floaters.

Click Here To Discover How Get Rid Of Eye Floaters Naturally

Friday, 29 March 2013

How To Relieve Computer Eye Strain

With the upsurge in computer, mobile phone and tablet use, eye strain has become a major social and job-related problem. Various studies have proven that up to 90% of those involved in computer related work have suffered from some form of eye strain or visual issue.

The following are some ideas that can be taken to reduce the chances of computer eye strain.

1. Comprehensive eye test.
Computer users should have a thorough eye test before starting work on computers and yearly examinations from then on.

2. Proper lighting.
Excessively bright light can be a major causal factor of eye strain

3. Reduce glare.
Consider using anti-glare screens and painting walls a darker colour

4. LCD Screens
Use LCD screens, like those on laptops, as they are much easier on the eyes and usually have an anti-reflective surface.

5. Computer display settings.
Adjusting the computer display settings can help reduce eye strain and tiredness. Altering the brightness, text size, contrast and colour can all prove beneficial.

6. Blink
Blinking is crucial for computer workers, as blinking moistens the eyes and prevents dryness and irritation.

7. Eye exercise
To lessen the chance of tired eyes caused by constantly focusing on the screen, look away from the computer screen at least every 20 minutes and look at a distant object (at least 20 feet away) for at least 20 seconds. This simple eye exercise will relax the focusing muscle inside the eye, and help to reduce fatigue.

8. Frequent breaks.
Taking frequent breaks during the working day will help reduce the chance of eye strain, and neck, back and shoulder pain

9. Workstation modification.
Correct posture, proper lighting and ergonomic furniture should all be taken into consideration.

10. Computer eyewear.
Consider using customized computer eyewear, especially those that wear glasses and contact lens users.

These are just a few suggestions for reducing the risk of visual problems, and making life much more comfortable for computer users.

Click Here For More Eye Problem Remedies


  1. Look around more often, do not stare undisturbed to your monitor because the eyes blinks less frequent when you are looking directly on the screen which cause eye dryness and sometimes redness.

    Source : Fight Computer Eye Strain

  2. I usually have eye strain because I work in front of the computer 16 hours a day. It's really hard and it also gives me headache.

  3. My Arizona Eye Doctor totally agrees with this. As someone who works in front of the computer for 8hours, I am very susceptible to eye strains. What I do to rejuvenate my vision is to close my eyes for 15min. while massaging my temples.

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